Thursday, September 15, 2016
Archive Recovery Software - Data Recovery From Corrupt Archive Files
Posted by datarecoveryblogger in: 7z recovery archive recovery corrupt archive RAR recovery recover archive repair archive repair TAR.Gz restore archive TAR recovery ZIP recovery
File compression is the most common
and safest way to reduce file size. It’s also helpful in storing data and sending
them over the network. Compressed files are generally small in size. A safe
compression algorithm is used for file compression. The technique is considered
highly safe as it only reduces file size; hence no changes or modification is
made. The originality of data is kept intact after file compression. If the
files are compressed, they can easily be shared or transmitted over the
network. The key benefit of file compression is to get enough free space on
hard disk, so more data can be stored with ease.
There are five different archive
formats commonly used by desktop users:
ZIP Archive: ZIP (Zicxac Inline Pin) is commonly used for data
compression and archiving. A ZIP archive can easily contain one, two or multiple
files in compressed form in order to provide more space on hard disk. Also, it
provides good transmission speed. WinZip and WinRAR tools are commonly used to
create ZIP archives.
RAR Archive: RAR (Roshal Archive) is the best data container to
store various files in compressed form. A RAR file can easily be created with
the help of WinRAR program. It has some more advanced features than ZIP
TAR Archive: Though TAR (Tape Archive) is not a compressed file
format, but still it’s known as a compressed file. It’s commonly used to store a
large number of files into a single file. It’s best known for archiving files
in Linux operating system. It can be created by using TAR program.
TAR.gz Archive: TAR.gz is known as the most common compressed file
format in Linux operating system. It’s considered a better archive format than
TAR because it’s a compressed archive file format unlike TAR which is only an
archive format. It can be used both for archive as well as data compression. It’s
also created by using TAR program.
7z Archive: It’s
one of the best archive formats with a high-compression ratio. It can easily
compress files up to 16000000000 GB. The 7-Zip program is mainly required to
create 7z files.
Where archive files are highly useful,
on the other hand they may indulge with corruption. As the fact says that no
computer file is immune to corruption, so as an archive file. Data corruption in
computer is always an inevitable task which is certain to happen. There are
various reasons for corruption in archive files. I’ve listed a few common reasons
attack: Computer virus is the most common reason behind any type of data loss or corruption. Even archive files are not immune to corruption virus attack or infection.
Poor connectivity: Poor network connection can make your archive files corrupt. How? For e.g. if you're uploading/downloading any archive file, it may get corrupt if network is poor or interrupted by anything.
Hard disk failure: Hard disk failure is not only harmful for archive files but also for the entire data stored in it. Hard disk failure can be occurred due to several reasons overheating, mechanical failure, etc.
Abruptly system shutdown: Abruptly system shutdown can also cause you data loss or data corruption. The main reasons behind abruptly system shutdown are sudden power failure, forcefully shutting down the PC, etc.
Software malfunction: Software malfunction refers to software failure which is occurred due to collision of software programs with one another. Also, software failure is caused due to the bugs found in the program.
Aforementioned reasons are highly responsible for corrupt archive files. No matter what's the reason behind corruption, but it'll often result in data loss. If your archive file is corrupt, be it ZIP, RAR or any, neither it can be opened nor any data can be extracted from it. The only thing that can help you restore your data is a backup file, but it should be valid and updated.
If you've backed up your archive files earlier using NT-Backup utility or any other Backup Exec, you can successfully restore them at the time of data loss or corruption. A backup file can contain multiple copies of your data which can be restored from the file at any time in their original form. I strongly recommend each and every one to implement backup practice in their day-to-day life. A backup file can be a life-saver in your hard times.
But unfortunately if there's no backup file available, it might be a problematic situation for anyone. Sometimes this may also happen that backup file is available, but it's corrupt or not updated. This might a challenging situation for users to restore their data back from the corrupt archives.
When nothings works out for you, you must look forward to a professional recovery solution. This is the only thing that can bring your data back from corrupt archives. There are many software companies in the market providing such recovery tools which can recover data from corrupt archives with ease. Archive Recovery tool from SysInfoTools Software is one of them, or I can say best among them. This is the only available tool that can support all popular archive files, such as: ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.gz and 7z. No matters what you are, a tech-savvy or a novice computer user, you can use this software with ease. It provides you an interactive and user-friendly interface that requires no prior technical expertise. You must download its free demo version so that you can evaluate the software before you can purchase its licensed version.
About Admin of the Blog:

Gautam is the founder of Data Recovery Blogger .He is a Tech Geek, Data Recovery Expert, and an SEO Expert.
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